Wednesday 4 September 2013

He asked: "There Is No God?"

Please read this wonderful write up by Rev. Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe from his devotional booklet, “Our Daily Manna.”

Several years ago, Jim Bishop wrote in the Miami Herald an article entitled, "There Is No God?" He asked but wondered as he searched for answers no human brain could fathom! BUT HIS QESTIONS GENERATED MORE QUESTIONS! Are all of the wonders around us accidental? Is it possible that no Almighty hand made the thousand billion stars? Did they make themselves? Which power keeps them on their steady course since they were formed? Do you know that the earth spins itself to keep the oceans from falling off towards the sun? Is that accidental? Who or what makes infants to cry when they’re hungry or hurt? Did they teach themselves? As a pharmacist-turned-prophet/writer, I ask myself in pharmacognosy: Did the flowers from the plant Digitalis purpurea invent themselves so that we could extract digitalis for heart disease patients? Who kept DIGITALIS IN that little FLOWER? (The term “digitalis” is used for drug preparations that contain cardiac glycosides, particularly one called digoxin, extracted from various plants of this specie). But who kept that drug that has saved millions from heart disease there? Did the earth just give itself day and night and tilted itself so that we get seasons? Without the magnetic poles, man would be unable to navigate the trackless oceans of water and air, but who made the magnetic poles? Are All These Just Very Lovely Accidents Or Coincidences? NO!
John 1:3 declares “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made.”

Think about this as well. The human heart will beat for 70 or 80 years without faltering. How does it get sufficient rest between beats? A kidney will filter poison from the blood and leave good things alone. How does it know one from another?  Who gave the human tongue flexibility to form words and a brain to understand them, but denied it to all other animals? How about the sugar thermostat in the pancreas which maintains a level sugar in the blood sufficient for energy? Without it, all of us would fall into a coma and die today due to low sugar level! Who made the sugar thermostat of the human body? Why does the snow sit on mountain tops waiting for the warm spring sun to melt it at just the right time for the young crops in farms below to drink? ARE ALL THESE JUST LOVELY COINCIDENCES? Who showed a womb how to take the love of two persons and keep splitting a tiny ovum until in time, a baby would have the proper number of fingers, eyes, ears and hair in the right places, and come into the world when it is strong enough to sustain life? With all these there is no God – the unseen power that holds all things IN PERFECTION AND UNFATHOMABLE WISDOM?

Be encouraged to trust in the Lord with all your mind and soul EVEN WHEN IT SEEMS THAT HE HAS LOST CONTROL AND YOUR ENEMIES ARE WINNING. Each time you WORRY over issues, you are indirectly saying, there is no God! Hear Charles Dickens: “The whole difference between construction and creation is exactly this: that a thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists.”  Yes, God has a plan for you long before you were even born and if God took special care in creating all that we see, then concerning you, He has a special plan! All Things Will Work Out At Last For Your Good! Refuse to quit now! Hold on!

I really do hope you enjoyed this write-up? I did and I just had to share. Got any thoughts on this? Please comment below. 

Enjoy your day!

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