Thursday 26 September 2013

Interesting: "Chinese man has new nose grown on his forehead to replace the original which was damaged in a car crash"

Xiaolian, 22, had a new nose grown on his forehead after his original one was irreparably damaged in a traffic accident. The new nose was sculpted from cartilage taken from his rib. his nose was damaged in a traffic accident in August 2012 but failed to seek treatment.
As a result, an infection corroded the cartilage leaving the surgeons unable to repair it.

They were left with no choice but to grow him a new nose and then to transplant it in place of his damaged one.  The procedure was carried out at a hospital in Fuzhou, Fujian province.

Doctors say that they will soon be able to carry out a transplant operation to replace the damaged nose with the newly grown one.

The nose was created by placing a skin tissue expander onto Xiaolian’s forehead.
This was cut into the shape of a nose and was supported by cartilage taken from the man’s ribs.

Surgeons say that the nose has developed well and that the transplant surgery will be carried out soon.

Source: dailymail.

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