Wednesday 25 September 2013

Finally, the horrific Kenyan mall seige is over!

After four days of bloody mayhem, Kenyan security forces have "ashamed and defeated" the terrorist gunmen who had besieged Nairobi's Westgate Mall, President Uhuru Kenyatta said Tuesday.
In a nationally televised address, Kenyatta declared his country "bloodied but unbowed" after the attack.
"We confronted this evil without flinching, confronted our deep grief and pain, and conquered it," he said.

Five terrorists were killed in the fighting and eleven suspects were arrested, Kenyatta said.
The victory came at a cost: at least 61 civilian deaths, six dead security officers and some 175 injuries. Sixty-two people remain hospitalized, he said. The Kenya Red Cross was reporting 62 deaths.

The death toll may yet rise. The Red Cross said 65 people remain unaccounted for, and Kenyatta said three floors of the mall had collapsed, trapping some bodies.

May the souls of the departed Rest In Peace and may their families be comforted!

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