Wednesday 2 October 2013

U.S: "Latest House bid fails as bitter back-and-forth over government shutdown rages"

-"I don't care who wins the battle. I want the government to reopen," GOP Rep. King says
-Lawmakers continue to talk over each other; Obama weighs in on Day One of shutdown
-Agencies begin furloughs that could eventually impact up to 800,000 workers
-Aides: GOP plans again to bring up bills in House to fund programs piecemeal

While up to 800,000 federal workers faced life without a paycheck as Day One of the government shutdown kicked in, Democrats and Republicans persisted in talking past each other without actually talking to each other to end the nation's latest fiscal crisis.

The Republican-led House offered its latest gambit on Tuesday night but failed in separate votes to approve piecemeal funding for three specific programs -- the District of Columbia, veterans affairs and national parks.

The votes required a two-thirds majority for passage, which would have required hefty Democratic support. That did not materialize, though House leadership aides say the plan is to bring up the same measures again Wednesday in a way that would require only a simple majority to pass.

Here are the details via CNN

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